General Care Unit



SURGICAL WARD- Surgical Ward of Pampanga Premier Medical Center Inc. is committed to providing efficient healthcare services to operative patients and improving their well-being through advancement in nursing and continuous practice improvement provided by competent nurses and healthcare personnel in a respectful and compassionate manner.

OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGY WARD- OB-GYN Ward is entrusted with meeting the health care needs of women and providing adequate and individualized patient care supported by a professional team of Ob-gynecology doctors, nurses and technicians.

PEDIATRIC WARD- Pedia Ward is dedicated to enhancing children's health and well-being through health education, family involvement, active wellness advocacy, and compassionate nursing care.

Contact Number:

☎ (Smart) 0998-841-2239 or (Globe) 0917-719-2727


⟟ PPMC, Third Floor