


PPMC Radiology Department is committed to providing quality and wellness in all aspects of care. Our highly trained Radiologists and staff are engaged in ethical and competent practices to ensure the best possible imaging studies in a comfortable environment where procedures are performed safely.

Services Offered: Operating Hours: 24 hours
X-RAY Chest, Abdomen, Cervical, Thoracolumbar, Upper Extremities, Lower Extremities
ULTRASOUND Whole Abdomen, KUB, Neck, Soft Tissue, Inguinoscrotal, Breast, TVS, Pelvic
IMMUNOLOGY/SEROLOGY (FT3, FT4, TSH, PSA, T3,T4, HbsAg Screening, Hepa Profile, HIV testing, RPR, CRP, Dengue NS1Ag, Dengue IgG/IgM and others)
CT SCAN Cranial Plain/Contrast, Chest Plain/Contrast, Whole Abdomen Plain/Contrast, Liver Triphasic, Urogram, Stonogram

Contact Number:

☎ 09171422929


⟟ PPMC, Upper Ground Floor